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Victoria Mozolevska
Branding vs. Marketing: Key Differences and Synergies for Business Success

Branding and marketing are two terms that you’ll often encounter when discussing business promotion ...

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6 min read
How to Use Quizzes to Reach the Right Au...

When targeting a specific audience, the question often arises: am I limiting myself and sacrif...

9 min read
Revolutionizing Affiliate Education with...

On May 1, 2024, MGID hosted a webinar alongside MaxWeb and Xevio called "Revolutionizing Affil...

16 min read
AI Tools for Marketing: Transforming Str...

Artificial intelligence has improved immensely since it was first introduced to the marketing ...

8 min read
Key Article Formats That Make The Most O...

Articles come in different flavors. When choosing the proper format for a prelander, we have s...

7 min read
Looking To Turbo-Charge Your Conversions...

Have you ever wondered why cold food doesn't tempt you? It's simple: there's less to smell. We...

13 min read
Native Advertising Trends for 2024: A Re...

Native advertising has grown significantly, fueled by the phenomenon of banner blindness. User...

23 min read
Affiliate Horizons: Charting the Course ...

In the bustling cityscape of tomorrow, where pixels dance and algorithms hum, we've managed to...

15 min read
The Future of Advertising: Uncharted Hor...

Bee-bee-boop-beep. Technology is taking over! Well, kind of. As early as 2022, 35% of companie...

Native performance in minutes

With MGID, you get access to 32,000+ publishers and 185+ billion monthly impressions.