When targeting a specific audience, the question often arises: am I limiting myself and sacrificing the potential of other segments? On the other hand, targeting everyone may end up exciting no one. It’s a natural concern, especially if you’re in charge of bringing in sales.

That’s where quizzes come into play. If your audience is a pack of M&Ms, a quiz will sort the candies by color — meaning your audience’s specific needs, goals and preferences. With a quiz, you can tailor its results to each audience segment, breaking down a wide audience into defined groups. Conversely, a single quiz can deliver different messages and angles to one specific audience.

Personality Tests

When users finish a personality quiz, they see different avatars that correspond to their matching profiles. By using these profiles to segment the audience, you can create more engaging offers and match the right message to the right person.

The applications are limitless. You can deliver a unique, personalized recommendation to each segment based on their unique attributes, whether that is the type of traveler they are, their favorite sportswear style or the food they crave for dinner!

Let's say you're selling jewelry. Through a quiz called “What Earrings Should You Wear on a First Date?”, you can ask questions about the user's fashion preferences, hobbies, interests and personality. The audience will end the quiz seeing one of the possible profiles: Minimalist, Bohemian, Traditionalist or Trendsetter.

Let's say you're selling jewelry. Through a quiz called “What Earrings Should You Wear on a First Date?”, you can ask questions about the user's fashion preferences, hobbies, interests and personality. The audience will end the quiz seeing one of the possible profiles: Minimalist, Bohemian, Traditionalist or Trendsetter.

Each profile matches a set of earrings. For example, the Minimalist may love small studs and the Bohemian may gravitate towards large, eclectic hoops. Specific sales copies catered to each personality will offer personalized product recommendations and CTAs.

Score Quizzes

Humans are curious by nature. We are hardwired to learn about as many topics as we can. Quizzes are instrumental in assessing how much an audience knows about a particular topic. With that assessment, you can segment the participants into groups depending on their scores and provide each group with a personalized sales message.

The format is a real find for health care, beauty products and educational courses. Let’s say you create a quiz for an anti-aging skincare product, asking 6 questions that each deal with anti-aging skin care. After answering the questions, the audience receives their results along with problem-solving tips. With those results, you can divide the participants into 3 groups based on their score results: those who got 0-2, 3-4 and 5-6 points. Each score group will see a different sales copy containing relevant product information matching their level of knowledge. Those with zero knowledge of skin care routines naturally need a different approach from those who scored 6 out of 6.

Single Question Quizzes

Sometimes, even one question is enough to segment leads efficiently. Let’s say you’re selling apartments in a new residential unit. The block may have various benefits, each relevant to a specific group: single people, young families and seniors. Asking just one question to identify the group a participant belongs to will help define their needs and provide them with tailored communication.

The single question should be carefully thought out to segment the audience on the most basic difference that defines their need. For selling PCs, you may want to ask what is the purpose of this purchase: for home use, games, programming or art creation. Defining a pet’s breed can help sharpen the selling approach if you promote dog food. Chihuahua, jack russell or labrador owners should get a different quiz result with a matching product that meets their dog breed’s specific needs.

True-or-False Quizzes

A true-or-false quiz requires users to agree or disagree with a fact or statement. The users must choose only between two options: True or False. This quiz format is great for debunking myths and stereotypes, as you can follow up each statement with an answer and a piece of advice that can also mention the product's application.

Due to this format’s simplicity, quiz creation can be quite tricky. The challenge is to make the statement precise but not apparent to your test takers. For example, a quiz promoting soap for delicate clothing can offer statements like “You must hand-wash delicate clothes.” After deciding whether or not it is a misconception, the audience finds out how the promoted soap helps protect their clothes when washed in a machine.

Chatbot Quiz

A chatbot is a computer program that simulates human conversation. Each answer given by the user directs the chatbot to a specific response. As users answer questions, the conversation follows different paths, resembling the branches of a tree. By using the branching logic within a quiz, you can send the audience down different paths based on how they answer a question. It’s not the score but the options the audience chooses that matter.

For example, let’s say you’re selling cars. Initially, the chatbot asks what type of car the user is looking for: SUVs, sedans or coupes? The second question depends on how they answered the first question. If a user chooses “SUVs,” you can prompt the chatbot to ask what type of engine they prefer: gasoline, diesel or hybrid. This is an awesome way to craft a helpful vehicle selection tool while keeping your audience engaged.

On a Final Note

Surprisingly, quizzes have a greater purpose than just being a way to procrastinate and have fun. With a well-crafted quiz, you can segment your audience and get your leads to learn more about themselves or different subjects. It’s a powerful tool that enables you to effectively communicate with specific groups, resulting in a more personalized approach to audience engagement and a boost in sales. At MGID, we can assist you with creating quizzes if you want to test this particular approach for a prelanding page. Don’t hesitate to contact your sales or account manager if you would like professional help.