In the constantly changing world of health and beauty, where trends shift like the winds and consumer preferences change at the blink of an eye, it's imperative to stay ahead of the curve in order to create truly innovative, high-quality ads. As the higher the quality, the more captivating and engaging the ad, leading to better brand recall and message retention.
Moreover, well-crafted ads reflect positively on the brand, enhancing its reputation and credibility in the eyes of consumers. At MGID, we strive to ensure our ads stand out, attract more customers and drive sales, working constantly to improve the quality of our visuals and ad copies.
For this reason, we are developing a knowledge base for innovative text-to-image prompts. This knowledge base will help you from returning to the same old concepts over and over again, allowing you to fully embrace what’s new and exciting in the world of health and beauty. Because while traditional methods may have served well in the past, in today's digital age, where innovation reigns supreme, adopting new approaches is the key to success.
Embracing the Unknown
They say, “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” But we beg to differ. If you lost your train of thought or don’t know where to go next with your creative approach, look to AI: it can generate truly spectacular and completely new imagery. Embrace the unknown in your prompt with the word itself.

Opposites Attract
What if you could merge lava and water, ice and flames, jelly and coffee? Combining opposite imagery in one prompt usually results in something sensational devoid of the stereotypical. Do not miss the opportunity to create new and innovative approaches with seemingly contrasting objects.

Is It Oozing?
By arming yourself with this powerful verb, you can design the most dynamic looking images ever. Creamy pink liquid oozing from coconut? Purple honey oozing from a woman's hands? Neon green oil oozing from a bottle? This one word makes liquid and creamy substances look extremely realistic and images hypnotizing.

What the Glow?
By incorporating the word "glow" into AI prompts, you can enhance the visual’s emotional impact, making it more compelling and inviting to viewers. A viewer might look over an image with a glass of clear water, but when this water is glowing, it’s truly a game changer.

When there is no chance to experiment with color or shape, reimagine the materials an item is made up of. For instance, a handbag made of sugar or a jelly bathtub. With AI, you can turn the mundane into something marvelous and out of this world.

Texture is Key
Add a drop of craziness to your prompts to spice up the whole concept. What if everyday objects could become fluffy, freckled or even pimply? This is our suggestion to play with texture with your next prompt.

The health and beauty categories are undergoing a transformative evolution driven by innovation, technology and changing consumer expectations and basic needs. Embrace these innovations and embark on a journey of empowerment, self-expression and holistic well-being with AI by your side.
In fact, enhanced creative strategies implemented on our platform have produced significant results within the Beauty and Health category. We’ve found a remarkable 1.6-fold increase in average conversion rates. Not to mention, this was achieved in a timeframe 1.5x shorter than traditional creative rotations.
At MGID, we're dedicated to elevating your creative game to new heights, so you always have the possibility to:
- choose from a plethora of captivating visuals through our integrated Getty Images library;
- leverage the power of AI to generate compelling creatives that resonate with your audience;
- enhance and diversify your current approaches with AI effects for maximum impact.
Need something truly unique, though? Our Creative Department is at your service, offering bespoke creatives free of charge. It's time to refresh your strategies and inject new life into your campaigns. Let's unlock your full creative potential together!