Our monthly rankings of the top-performing vertical+geo combinations are aimed to acknowledge niches that have been thriving each month and help marketers find higher engagement among the audience. This August, the best-performing geos include Germany, Romania, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Let’s find out which verticals brought the most clicks and conversions in these markets.

High-opportunity verticals and geos

These are the top-performing verticals and geos, with the fastest growth of average click-through rate, clicks, and spends.

This month, the highest-converting geos can be found in LATAM, APAC, and Europe. By focusing on Germany, Romania, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vienam, marketers have been able to find more traffic and deliver outstanding results in terms of clicks and conversions.

Average CTR rates in Germany and Romania increased by 27% and 7%, respectively; in Germany, the fast-growing niches were Technology and Computing, Business and Investing, Family and Relationships, and finally Style and Fashion. In Romania, Medical Health Offers achieved the most conversions and traffic: the average CTR rates skyrocketed by 126% compared to the previous month, while clicks and spends increased by 53% and 170%.

Latin American geos have achieved further growth this month in terms of clicks and campaign spends, while average conversion rates also increased. CTR rates in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico rose by 31%, 9%, and 14%. For LATAM, the best-working verticals turned out to be Personal Finance, Business and Investing, Healthy Living, and Family and Relationships.

Finally, the fastest growing APAC countries were Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand; In Indonesia and Vietnam, campaign spending have increased by 11% and 7%, respectively. Average CTR rates rose by 10% in Indonesia, by 25% in Vietnam, and by 12% in Thailand. To a great extent, this growth was achieved by these niches: Healthy Living, Events and Attractions, and Shopping.

Creative approaches that work well

Finding working traffic sources is just half the battle, as the rest of it also depends on creatives and communication with clients. Based on this month’s campaign performance, we compiled the creative approaches that increased conversions the most in some high-performing verticals.

The Personal Finance category comprises several subcategories focused on personal investing and insurance services, such as financial assistance, various insurance offers, and retirement planning services. Comparing campaigns under this category, the most efficient turned out to be interactive quizzes and tests, such as forms that generate financial advice. On the other hand, campaigns under the Business and Investing category receive more clicks and conversions with the storytelling approach, particularly success cases.

For campaigns in the Medical Health and Healthy Living niches, the best approach would be to tell success stories about efficient use of the promoted products or technological breakthroughs or know-how that enabled their invention. We also recommend advertisers to clearly show the competitive advantages of a product or particular medical conditions it is aimed at.

Products that fall under the Family and Relationships category are well-received when you tell love stories and appeal to the desire to find loved ones or fear of loneliness. For Shopping offers, we recommend advertisers clearly show the product’s benefits or tell about discounts. Finally, working with the Technology and Computing category, use gamification tricks on a landing page: puzzles, games, custom DIY, responsive animations, etc.

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