Yampi is an e-commerce platform that empowers retailers to set up fully functioning online shops without any technical know-how. So far, it has helped more than 150,000 retailers. Considering that the Brazilian e-commerce market represents 169.6 billion BRL in revenue, it’s easy to understand Yampi’s success in Brazil. Are you interested in finding out what this platform can do for you? Keep reading! See how Yampi can make selling online so much easier. Plus, we’ll also teach you how you can supercharge its capabilities to boost your revenues with MGID integration.

What is Yampi and How Does It Work?

Yampi is an e-commerce platform focused on providing the best optimization solutions for online stores. It helps facilitate transactions by providing the design and technology necessary to better serve its market and to give customers the best experience. Yampi specifically focuses on new businesses where the owner may not necessarily have the technical skills to transition into online selling. For many, the biggest market differentiator Yampi has is its feature-rich free plan. Thanks to this plan, even those who don’t have a lot of resources can have opportunities to grow their brand and earning capabilities online.

How Does Yampi Work?

Before we get to how it works, let’s clear up some misconceptions.

  • It’s NOT an intermediary between you and a buyer.
  • It’s NOT a marketplace.
  • It’s NOT responsible for any part of the transaction.

Yampi simply provides you with the tools to begin your e-commerce journey. It relies on integrations for many of the functions that you would normally find on an online e-commerce platform. These integrations are all available to you, allowing you to pick and choose which will best serve your interests.

Yampi Plans: From Basic to Pro

The platform currently offers three plans, each designed to fit sellers at different levels of success in e-commerce. What many people like about how Yampi works is the way it has structured its pricing plans. The free version does more than give you a taste of what the platform offers. The main difference is the commission paid per sale and the support offered; otherwise, the product is consistent.

  • Basic (Free, 2.5% commission per sale): Good for beginners with a limited budget
  • Starter (147 BRL per month, 2% commission per sale): The best option for medium-income earners
  • Pro (497 BRL per month, 1.5% commission per sale): Best for higher-income sellers needing priority support

Yampi Products: What Options Do You Have?

Even though Yampi largely advertises themselves as a platform for creating online stores and checkout pages, this isn’t the only format available. You can also choose from these product combinations to experience Yampi just as you need it:

  • Install a transparent checkout on Woocommerce, Shopify or your own store or blog: This is a desirable option if you only want to add a checkout page for an existing store.
  • Use Yampi checkout on social media: This is designed for selling products on social media platforms.
  • Create a fully functioning online store: This includes a virtual storefront plus a checkout page.

How Do You Register with Yampi?

Regardless of your chosen plan, the account creation process is the same. Here’s how you can get started in less than three minutes.

  1. Click Create free account in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Enter your full name, store name, email address and your desired password.
  3. Click the Register button to officially create your account.
  4. Confirm your account via email.

Congratulations! Following these four steps, you officially have an account with Yampi. You just need to answer a few questions; then, you can start exploring the platform.

The Next Step: Building Your First Yampi Online Store

Now that you have created your account, you can start building your first online store! The platform will guide you through the process, which is as follows.

  1. Select and install a theme.
  2. Learn how to register products on Yampi.
  3. Create banners for your promotions.
  4. Create collections for your homepage highlights.
  5. Configure your accepted payment methods.
  6. Set up shipping.

It really is this easy! You’ll spend most of your time designing the site by filling out details based on the theme you’ve selected. By default, your virtual store will use a free domain. However, if you have purchased a domain, you can link it to your account.

Maximizing Yampi: How It Works for Making Money

This platform can be an effective vehicle for making money, whether you’re expanding your physical store online or trying to generate more money from sales. However, on its own, it will not generate revenue. Yampi requires your direct participation and expertise before you can take advantage of its features and integrations. So, how can you make money while using these capabilities?

  • Get into dropshipping: There are lots of Yampi dropshipping integrations that let you link accounts with known dropshipping platforms.
  • Sell your own products and services: This can either be digital or physical products or services. You can learn how to register a product on Yampi below.

What Should You Consider When Setting Your Prices on Yampi?

The price you charge for your goods and services isn’t what you’ll receive. To make sure you actually make money from your efforts, you should consider the following.

  • Yampi fees: All plans charge you a percentage of your sales. However, for the paid plans, a flat fee will also apply.
  • Overheads: How much did you spend to create the product or offer a service? That should be considered.
  • Other fees: This includes ad spend and costs for other software outside Yampi.
  • Local taxes: How you are taxed depends on many factors, like the product/service you offer and your registration as an individual or as a company.

Key Features of Yampi

At first glance, what this e-commerce platform offers is pretty simple: a virtual store and a checkout page. And with its product combination, you don’t even have to use both. However, if you go beyond the basics, you will see just how valuable the features of Yampi are. Do you need additional resources, conveniences or capabilities? Yampi is here to help with all of it, enabling you to maximize your results.

Yampi Academy

If you don’t consider yourself particularly tech-savvy, Yampi offers a number of resources regardless of where you are in your online selling journey. Yampi Academy focuses on educational video content, which is released weekly. Here are some topics that are on the site right now.

  • Activation for Beginners
  • Solutions to Sell More
  • How to Start Dropshipping
  • Branding and Communication
  • SEO for E-Commerce

To see all the videos, just head to Yampi’s YouTube channel (@YampiEcommerce).


Imagine gamifying your progress as you grow your online store? With Yampi, this is possible! To reward you for your hard work, the site provides various exclusive resources. Rewards are unlocked when you reach certain levels, starting with Bronze Diamond and ending with Black Diamond. Here are just some of the digital and physical prizes that you can get through their rewards program:

  • Raffle entry for exclusive draws;
  • Yampi bracelet;
  • Exclusive videos and checklists;
  • Retrospective in the app;
  • Plaque.

What do you need to do to get these Yampi exclusives? Just achieve certain objectives. There are four objectives for each level. And from what we can see, these usually pertain to your total number of sales.

Transparent Checkout

Checking out is the final action that a buyer needs to perform for the purchase, and Yampi makes sure that they push through with the transaction. They do this by having all checkout-related actions on a single page to avoid unnecessary steps. Thanks to this option, you can enjoy:

  • Higher conversion rates;
  • A lower percentage of abandoned carts;
  • Improved shopping experience for customers.

Right now, there’s a related product called Yampi Pay that is accessible for select customers. However, once it’s rolled out to all customers, this native integration will allow you to process payments right on the platform.

Yampi App

Thanks to the Yampi app, you can access your virtual store or Transparent Checkout page right from your mobile device. But that’s not all. Below, we have listed some of our favorite in-app features.

  • Manage your operations: Using the Yampi app, you can see your total sales for your store as well as your top five products.
  • Track your orders: You can review all order details. There are even search and filtering options so that you can find information for any particular customer.
  • Get real-time notifications: Every time someone orders, you’ll receive a notification on your phone.
  • Access content from Yampi Academy: Learn how to succeed with Yampi on the go.

Unlimited Product Registrations

Even if you stick with the free plan, you can register as many products or services as you want. You can access the Products section on the left panel of your screen. Then, click New Product. From there, just provide the various details requested and click Save. Repeat this for every product that you want to add. Depending on its availability, you can also activate or deactivate it through the web or app. Please remember that there’s currently no way to add products in bulk.

Sales-Based Pricing Structure

Yampi understands that a huge part of its client base may not have the resources to set up an online store. That’s why, instead of charging a lot in upfront costs, it has decided to charge more in commissions instead. This means that in the slower months, you won’t have to pay as much to keep your online store afloat. However, Yampi has introduced sufficient value to its paid options to make them worthwhile, with the main benefit being lowered commission per sale.

How to Maximize Your Success Using Yampi

As you have seen through the key features, this e-commerce platform certainly has a lot to offer. All these features are designed to help you with aspects of online selling. However, in the end, it’s still up to you how effectively you use the tools and resources that Yampi has made available. If you want to make sure that all your efforts are efficiently translating into cold, hard cash, keep reading. We have summarized the best tips that we have seen work with MGID members who also use this platform.

Select Integrations and Apps to Expand Your Online Store’s Capabilities

Let’s say that you’ve decided to use Yampi. What is it going to do to make up for the functions that aren’t built-in? This is where integrations and apps come in. Depending on what you choose, you will be able to:

  • Expand on the analysis capabilities for your online store;
  • Connect with your customers more easily;
  • Provide a more seamless buying experience;
  • Improve conversion rates at various stages of the purchase;
  • Automate various parts of the sales operation.

Yampi has something for management, logistics, marketing, security and more. All you need to do is consider your needs and pick the most appropriate apps and integrations.

Don’t Underestimate the Value of the Homepage

There may be a lot going on in the background, but your buyer’s interaction will largely be with your virtual store. So, be sure to give a good impression right from the beginning! Here are a few ways for you to do this:

  • Select colors and themes that align with your brand;
  • Organize the products in a way that makes sense;
  • Create a highlight to showcase your best-selling products;
  • Use clear and attractive pictures for the product icon;
  • Make each product title unique to demonstrate the differences between similar items.

In the end, someone who’s not interested will not buy. But for those who are ready to purchase, these things will make it easy for them to understand your offer right off the bat.

Configure Various Cart Recovery Options

As part of the platform, Yampi also shows you abandoned carts where there was no attempt to buy or the payment failed. In these cases, the users were close to buying, and perhaps with a little nudge, you can get them to say yes. To help lead them to purchase, we suggest using cart recovery configurations supported by Yampi.

  • Offer a coupon: Giving a small discount can remove any price objection that the user may have.
  • Send them an email: This can just be a quick reminder that they have a few things in the cart. As part of the email, you may offer them a coupon as well.
  • Send a text message: This doesn’t have to be long. Just tell them their products are still in the cart and include a link to it.

MGID’s Integration with Yampi via Webhooks

Are you interested in the seamless experience that this e-commerce platform has to offer? Making the buying process smooth from start to finish makes it easy for potential clients to make a purchase. With MGID integration, you’ll gain valuable advantages that will make buying even easier! Make Yampi even more powerful with these MGID integration capabilities:

  • Reach an audience that’s already ready to buy;
  • Display customized messaging that best resonates with the user;
  • Leverage analytics capabilities that allow you to gather deeper data insights.

The beauty of integrating two user-friendly platforms is that additional features become available to you. With these perks, you’ll be able to optimize your Yampi pages based on hard data instead of mere speculation.

Setting Up MGID Integration

Here’s a quick look at how MGID and Yampi can be set up to work together:

  • Configuration: Fill in the details in the new campaign section.
  • Webhook setup and endpoint configuration: Generate a Webhook URL by selecting an event that will provide a conversion step.
  • Yampi configuration: Insert the event you want to be linked to and use the URL for the endpoint.
  • Confirmation and feedback: Verify if the integration is working.

In just a few minutes, your Yampi store will officially be linked with MGID’s advanced capabilities. Are you ready to get started? Find detailed instructions here.

Deliver the Best User Experience to Generate High Revenues with the Help of Yampi

This unique e-commerce platform has already done a lot to connect the Brazilian market to a wide range of products and services. Its focus on user-friendly online shopping experiences has definitely made a positive impact on both buyers and sellers.

However, in terms of analytics, Yampi is fairly limited. Thankfully, it supports very powerful integrations like MGID. MGID is perfect for native advertising, helping advertisers blend in to stand out. So register on the MGID platform today! Apart from supporting Yampi via webhooks, our team of creative experts and advanced tools will help you achieve continued and sustainable growth.