Articles tagged with

Digital Advertising

5 min read
As ChatGPT Turns Two, Have Marketers Bought Into the AI Hype...

In two years, ChatGPT has catapulted AI from a novelty into a critical component of digital ad...

20 min read
Full-Funnel Marketing article cover
Full-Funnel Marketing Tactics: Strategies to Drive Customer ...

Marketing funnels go by many names… brand advertising funnel, sales funnel and conversion funn...

16 min read
Marketing vs. Advertising article cover
Marketing vs. Advertising: Understanding Their Key Differenc...

True or false: marketing and advertising are the same thing? Even though these two terms are o...

19 min read
Top Metrics for Measuring Marketing Performance

Measurement is an important part of marketing. It tells you what you’re doing right and where ...

6 min read
MarTech Interview with Ryan Stewart, Head of Publisher Acqui...

Greetings Ryan, Can you provide a brief overview of your professional journey and how it led y...

14 min read
Why Your Google Ads Fail to Convert: 10 Common Mistakes and ...

We all understand this feeling: you've poured your time, money and effort into setting up your...

20 min read
Back-to-School Marketing Across Generations: Gen Z vs. Mille...

Back-to-school season is in full swing, and there's no better time to dive into one of the mos...

Native performance in minutes

With MGID, you get access to 32,000+ publishers and 185+ billion monthly impressions.